


    <Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine>

    Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) combined the wisdom of thousand years’ ancient Chinese medicine and the advantage of modern western medicine, to achieve the refinement of Chinese medicine. Our department offers an alternative and complementary therapy for cancer, cerebrovascular disease, infertility and immune disease. We provide assured traditional Chinese remedies, to accomplish the best health care of everyone based on individual’s constitution of Yin, Yang, cold, heat, hypo-function and hyper-function.

    The following services were offered:

    • Chinese medical evaluation:Examining Disease thoroughly by inspection, listening, smelling, inquiry, and palpation. Physical Examination is thoroguhly exmamined, such as tongue diagnosis, ear diagnosis, face diagnosis, pulse diagnosis, palm print diagnosis and meticulous examinations provide complete analysis of patient’s current health condition.
    • Chinese health care:Certificated Traditional Chinese Medicine was used.  Boost overall immune system, which optimizes health, and wellbeing.
    • Body Weight Loss Program:Acupuncture, laser acupuncture, together with TCM provided a successful, long-term weight control.
    • Chinese complementary therapy for cancer:TCM is complementary to western medicine treatment to ease the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 
    • Acupuncture for cerebrovascular disease:Research had found injured brain cells can be regenerated by stimulating acupoints with the effect of increasing muscle strength and sensory integration.
    • Chinese Gynecology: TCM has significant advantages in treating gynecological disorders such as endometriosis, infertility, and dysmenorrhea.  Chinese meidicines and acupuncture are used to adjust the function of uterus and facilitate ovulation and resolve the problem of infertility.
    • Pediactric:  TCM offers gentle, holistic paediatric massage therapy for children between 6 months and 12 years old. Our treatments, combined with herbal packs for external use, aim to improve your children’s health—improving their delicate constitution and reducing their tendency to fall sick.


    ~ Pintung Veterans General Hospital, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine ~
